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If you’ve reached this page instead of a HewToon comic, one of two things may be happening:

  1. You may be using a phone or other device that doesn’t automatically pull up the full HewToons.com site. The solution on my phone is to scroll to the bottom of this page and click on “View Full Site.” Then the comics should show correctly.
  2. The link you’ve followed connected to this site’s blog posts rather than the comics. Typing the address Hewtoons.com in your browser address bar should take you to the correct page.

I apologize for any inconvenience.

Thanks for playing at home!



HewToons: Editorial Comments 2

Continuing the previous thought: wrapping up HewToons.  I moved the date for the final comic.  It should be January 9, 2014.  I’ve drafted most of the scripts, with a few days still to be determined.

Again, thanks to everyone who’s been reading, liking and commenting!

The concept of HewToons, for me, is filled with all kinds of story possibilities.  The Magnificents TV series itself, the on-set antics and behind-the-scenes machinations all have a lot of comedy to explore.  I didn’t have time this year to develop many more concepts that are lurking in the back of my mind.

So why stop?  It’s all a matter of drive.  Not that I have too little, actually.  It’s that I have too much.  I don’t dabble well.  I’m not good at having hobbies.  Either I pour myself into an activity entirely, or I don’t do it at all.  I’m not able to draw a few comics here and there and post them whenever.  I insisted on creating a sustained body of work.  Something I could point to and say “I accomplished that.”  As simple-minded and amateurish as Hewtoons is, it is the best comic strip I’m able to produce.

Long story short, I overdid it.  I knew I would.  Writing four comics a week takes pretty much all of my free time.  At the beginning of the year I was drawing ahead a few weeks, but my backlog was quickly eaten up.  These days, I barely get a comic completed in time to post it.  (And a week or two ago, not in time to post it.)

Knowing this kind of time crunch would happen, I set one year as my deadline.  I could let myself be crazy with HewToons for a year.  Part of this wild abandon was knowing that it had a time limit.  I could excuse myself for completely neglecting my yard and house knowing that I will be able to put things back in order next year.

Some people have encouraged me to keep writing because it takes time to build up an audience and get noticed.  I agree.  Please understand I do appreciate everyone who is reading.  However, there are simply not enough of you to merit allowing my house to collapse and my yard to become a jungle.  But that’s another post.


HewToons: Editorial Comments 1

The cartoon versions of Keith and Doug informed you last week that HewToons will be ending on 12/31/13.  Give or take a little on that timing.  I haven’t quite worked out the season finale.

I’ve talked to a few people about why the strip is ending.  I thought I’d share some of that over the next few weeks.

First of all: Thank you for reading!  I’m glad that you have been entertained by my efforts.  I appreciate all your “likes” and your “follows” on the strip.  I apologize that I didn’t respond very well to comments.

HewToons was a birthday present for Keith.  Keith said to me, sometime in the last couple of years, that he really did think I could write a comic strip.  He had always wanted to see me try it.  I let the idea percolate for a while and HewToons is what popped out.

Keith, Matt and I did not collaborate on the strip in the strictest sense of the word.   Their  names aren’t on the strip and I’m the one doing all the writing and drawing.  But rest assured that Keith and Matt were most definitely collaborators.  When I’m writing, I think of a situation and then imagine how they would handle that situation.  That’s when comedy, if any there be, comes to life.

So HewToons was a birthday present and a challenge to myself to see if I could do it.  It fulfilled its purpose.  Are there more episodes in my noggin?  Sure, but that’s another post.


HewToons.com Site Update

Gentle Readers,

HewToons.com updated our web site layout on 7/27/13.  The new theme (Panel from WordPress) is intended to allow easier navigation of the comic strips.  We are working on a few technical glitches:

  • All of our readers’ previous “likes” have apparently disappeared.
  • The archive calendar is not currently available for comics, only posts like this one.
  • A software glitch has created a singularity that threatens to suck the universe through a wormhole.

We apologize for any inconvenience.  Thanks for your patience as we work through these issues.

Please contact us on the “About” page if you have any problems receiving your daily HewToons by email or through the WordPress reader.

HewToons Editorial Board